
Monday, August 12, 2019

6 Must Know Strategies to Score Straight As in Your SPM Examinations

6 Must Know Strategies to Score Straight As in Your SPM Examinations

These are 6 strategies for the last few months leading up to SPM. Hope they can help you in your preparation.

1. Must have a study schedule for you to do revisions. Make sure you design a schedule that meets all your needs. Make sure you plan your day before you go to bed. As Benjamin Franklin said, 'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail'. A lot of people fail because they do not plan their time properly. Remember everybody has equal amount of time which is 24 hours. The difference is what you do with your time. Focus on quality.

2. Get yourself mentally ready and prepared to face the exams. This is very important. A lot of students get shocked when they enter the exam hall. They are not prepared to face the exams. They panic and worst they freeze when they need to perform and answer the questions. This happens a lot. So how do you prepare yourself? YOU must condition yourself. Firstly agree with your mind that you are going to sit for the exams. Imagine yourself entering the exam hall and starting to answer the question and imagine yourself being able to answer all the questions correctly. The next thing is to pray and pray and ask from god for guidance and the calmness to face the exams. You are going to be ok. :)

3. Must know the strategy to answer for all the different papers. What we mean by this is that you must know how to tackle each paper. Make sure you know for every subject where and how to get the marks.  For example, if you are answering the Physics paper it is split into how many papaers> How many segments? Which segments should you focus first and where do you need to ensure that you get marks, That is why now days students need coaching in answering questions. Knowing the subject alone is not enough but you need to have a strategy when answering the questions.

4. After you have studied for 30 to 40 minutes, make sure you take a break. Don't go full throttle and put in 10 hours straight! More does not mean good all the time. Research have shown that humans can only focus and stay concentrate for 30 to 40 minutes only. And today our concentration span is even shorter with the constant bombardments of adverts and pop ups on our gadgets distracting us every other second. Seriously it is getting harder and harder to focus. Hence, one piece of ADVICE as the clock ticks down to SPM - put your hand phone away for a few months. Trust us it will help you a lot. UNLESS of course you on our eTuition program. :)

5. If SPM is so near, it is time to focus on your notes. By this time you should have good notes that you understand and easy to refer. That's why it is so important to learn skills to make good notes when you study. Use a lot of visual instead of words. You can understand better. For example you can draw out SMART goals like this visual.

Your own notes are critical and important to have for your last minute preparations. It's going to be tough if you do not have your own notes. Going through your text book can cause panic and frustrations for you.

6. Practice, practice, practice - there is no short cut to success. Do as many exercise, practices, past year exam questions that you can do. There is no better way to exercise your brain power! The more you do the better you become. Make sure you get the answers. Ask if you don't understand or if you don't know. Never sleep without knowing the answer. Remember it is not how you start, it's how you are going to finish. Are you going to finish strong?

Hopefully these 6 tips will help to inspire you to success!

PS - Can check out our eTuition, for more info info click here -


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