
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Would You Like to Make Money Doing What You Love?

Would You Like to know THE SECRET to Make Money Doing What You Love? 

Alhamdulillah, we just finished T. Harv Eker’s new web class, “Teach And Get Rich: How To Earn $100,000 Or More In A Single Weekend Teaching What You Know And Love.”

It was an amazing class. We learned so much from the master himself. The best thing for us is that we get to learn from Harv online at our own time and at our own pace. Is that good or good? If you have never tried a webinar, please join one. It is amazing what people can do now days with technology. We have to embrace it fast. We are going to do our webinars very soon.

One thing that I really want to share is the fact that today and now more than ever before you can really make money doing what you love. It is so true. In fact because of technology everybody can do it.

What Harv taught in his class is exactly what we figured out almost 10 years ago when we came up with our best selling book Passion2Income ~ Turn Your Passion into Income. There are many ways that you can turn your passion or your hobbies or whatever it is that you enjoy doing into a source of income. You look at what is available in the market apart from the obvious ones like cooking, photography, travelling and etc. You can create a product or service. You just need to start.

Here is the the secret to making money from doing what you love.


The best way to come up with a great idea to make money is to solve a problem. 

Image result for solve problems make moneyThat's right! Think about a problem or challenge that you might have in doing what you love. Chances are people with the same passion or interest will have the same problems that you do. The best part is that people would be willing to pay you money to solve their challenges and problems. That is why the internet grows exponentially because the technology allows people to get access to information, products and services that can solve their daily problems.

One of the best ways to make money doing what you love is to teach people how to solve their problems. For example if you have a passion in health than probably you can share with people your secrets and tips on how you maintained your health. That is why if you look at weight loss programs, the most successful people are those who had the problem, solved it and now are teaching others to do the same.

The best part is that you can do the same for almost anything that you are passionate about. Take some time and ask yourself what do you love to do? What excites you? What are your challenges and problems. My advice is that, you take a piece of paper and start to write them down. You want a good guideline use the 5 husbands and 1 wife questions to get you started.

Image result for solve problems

I really hope that what we shared to day would give you an idea on how you can create a source of income doing what you love.

If you are serious about turning your passion into income, you might want to check out our book Passion2Income at

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